
开云体育app 开云体育app 博客 超越梦想一起飞,让开云体育app 一起真情面对!


  只要把两个体户丢到孤小岛上面,这个体户某种很孤立无援,很寂寥,无法生存模式起来,因此 开云体育app 要对周圈的人心的说说存心怀感恩,其都会造物主赐予开云体育app 的小礼品,又是因已经有了其,开云体育app 才不要悲伤,寂寥!只要没其,开云体育app 哪来开心欢乐和欢乐?!






恰是由于关怀备至,才成果了越来越多人物的丰功伟绩,但是说一些 四十五六计,八十二法,跟关怀备至比不上来,都会归为这个世界间的雕虫小技。

越比较敏感真理观,依据越简洁,开云体育app 传统人都懂,但说是得以执行命令,以开云体育app 也只能做终生子的传统人!


If you were on an isolated island, totally on  your own, you must feel lonely to death, so we need to apprieciate the people around us, without them, there will be few of happiness as well. No matter what they might have done to you, they are the gifts given by gods!

When you help others for living, then there will be uncountable people help you back. In other words, if you lived only for yourself, nobody would get your back.

That's the wisdom of how wide is your mind, how big is your stage where you can accomplish yourself!

Sometimes, you are able to get 7 or even 8 out of 10, why Mr. Li only take 6? Because we won't even know this name if he took 8.

As he only took 6 when there is a possibility of 8, more and more people chose to cooperate with him. At the beginning, lots of fellows might think how stupid was that, but as time went on, the people who initially had that thought had their mouth shut. Because they realized that giving more to others is the most sovereign? wisdom!

Compare to this, so called skills which are used to defeat or vanquish competetors is like a joke.

As wisdom is approaching reality, the simpler it is, the closer it gets.

And please remember awareness and understanding won't change anything until we put it in practice. We have this word called 'ordinary', this word is actually created for the people who know and comprehend things but do not move in a practical way!


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